Everyone deserves great honey.
ABC will donate one pound of honey for every pound we sell between now and New Year’s Day. We’ll be donating our honey locally to food pantries in several southern West Virginia counties, including:
North Central West Virginia Community Action (Greenbrier County, WV)
Pocahontas County Family Resource Network (Pocahontas County, WV)
Monroe County Coalition for Children and Families (Monroe County, WV)
REACHH Mobile Food Pantry (Summers County, WV)
Old Stone Presbyterian Church Community Group (Greenbrier County, WV)
November Update --- We have already started delivering honey! Check out these lovely quotes from some happy recipients:
From the West Virginia Family Resource Network (Pocahontas County): "Thank you Appalachian Beekeeping Collective for the honey! This will allow our food pantry to provide a special, sweet, and delicious treat to Pocahontas County families."
From REACHH-Family Resource Center: "JoAnn Miller, Starting Points Director and Doris Selko, REACHH Executive Director, would like to thank Appalachian Headwaters for their generous donation of 100 jars of honey to our food pantry. Honey is so healthy and many of the people who utilize our pantry don't have access to it. It will make a great addition to our Holiday bags."
"Thank you for your generous donation to the Food Pantry Ministry of First Baptist Church of Rainelle. This donation of honey will be greatly appreciated by more than 200 families we serve each month. Appalachian Beekeeping Collective is playing an important part in our vision and mission of loving God and people."